Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sweet Baby James

I don’t actually have a baby at the baby’s home whose name is James, but I sing James Taylor’s lullabye almost daily to these precious little guys. I don’t know how I’ll make it in the states without a baby to hold.
I have been here in Uganda for 13 days and I have 18 days left, so I know, I’ve been a terrible blogger. Let’s see, a lot has happened. Mostly I had a severe allergic reaction to my malaria meds and so I’ve been to the “surgery” as they call it twice and had to postpone moving into the village until I had malaria meds that wouldn’t kill me (heh, exaggerating there…I hope). So I spent a lot of time stuck in the house watching The Mentalist. Not that I have anything against the Mentalist (especially bootleg versions that only cost about a dollar USD per season), but I would kindaa rather do Ugandan things while in Uganda. But now I’m up and about and playing with babies and will move to the village on Tuesday.
I’m learning a lot here. I’m learning the difference between being like Paul (who God sent on a his journey but allowed him to be shipwrecked, stoned, tried unjustly and just plain persecuted) who still praised God despite his journey’s troubles and being an Israelite (who God sent on their journey and as soon as they felt out of their comfort zone they got mad). I was so disappointed that God would let me get so sick and let me get so lonely in the place he told me to go. I felt as if I had done this great thing for him and he had sort of just..left me there.
Ah, I could not have been more wrong. I am never “left” but I do have to learn things. And getting sick and being lonely comes with the package. I am well aware that I have not signed onto a simple life and that’s OK because it’s all being guided. Yes? Yes.