Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hey guys.
Yeah, so havn't so much been around.
I know, it's shameful, but blogs just feel so self-centered to me. I like other people's, but my own feels strange. I really only did it to prep for creating one for my trip to Uganda. Now, my trip is only a few days away. Literally three days away. I'm supposed to go on malaria meds tomorrow. Woah, also I have to check in for my flight today (Don't let me forget to do that).

Anyways, I do think I'll check in during my trip, but after that Ms. Such-this blog may have to retire. I suppose we'll see.

I do have to tell you something today. Seven.
It's been seven years since I first was called to Uganda.
And now there arn't even seven days until I board the plane.
A Quick Story for you:
I fell in love with Jesus when I was twelve, but by that time I had already figured out how I thought my life should go. I mean, I had it all down, what college I wanted to go to, what I wanted to major and minor in, I even knew what scholarships I would be eligible for (I'm a geek, I'm aware), I never wanted to move out of the tri-state area.
But then everything changed. I was reading this book about a girl who went to Uganda to work at a school/orphange/hospital/church and fell in love with the country and the people there. I only read it because I read anything I could get my hands on at the time. While reading I heard a voice say, "I want you to do that." I had heard of this before- God talking to people- and I always thought the people who tried to tell God 'no' were so ridiculous, he was God, wouldn't he win? But I joined the ranks of the 'no'-ers- I told God no, because 13-year-olds are oh-so-wise.
But then God won, a few months later, before I could think it simply flew out of my mouth one day, "I'm going to work in Uganda." Shortly there after I fell in love with Uganda, my heart moved over there. God made sure of that. I've been working towards going ever since.
And so now I'm going, soon.

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