Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awkwards meet Awesomes

I own a pair of Ethan's old soccer pants. They're kinda big. Sometimes I jog across campus to the work out room while wearing them. Sometimes I forget to pull the drawstring. Sometimes when that happens I have to grab my pants for dear life before Mr. Man over there notices. 
 Couples who choose to get all close and touchy-touchy on the stairs. Why oh why can't you move 5 yards in either direction. So many un-used coaches. One of them could be yours today!
Getting called "Ma'am." Come on, I have atleast another few years before that name actually describes me, don't I?
Third Wheeling. This is pretty self explanatory. Don't feel too bad for me though, I haven't had a good third wheel date in about a year. I feel it's good for you every once in a while, keeps you humble. Also reminds you how not to be while coupling around other wheels.  
Watoto stuff. I may never, ever stop talking about it- a plane ticket, dates, a volunteer job description, pictures of sweet, chubby faces. I can't get over it. 
My camera charger arrives in the mail today! Have you been wondering about the sore lack of photographs as of late? It's because my charger doesn't like me anymore so I had to order a new one. He comes today! Pictures to arrive shortly thereafter.
My best friend, Haley has finished her first year of college! A round of applause if you please! 
Oh yeah! Mind if I brag a bit on that Ethan-man? He got into University of Michigan's Architecture program. Check that out! 
Long drives.  
Little boys who hand you a penny to buy the action figure they're eyeing on the top shelf. 

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