Sunday, October 16, 2011

Latest News

"In furtherance of Congress' stated policy, I have authorized a small number of combat-equipped U.S. forces to deploy to Central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield."
-President Barak Obama, October 14, 2011
"Mr. President, Invisible Children Supports Your Action Against the LRA."

This is the beginning of the end.
Joseph Kony is the number one wanted war criminal in the WORLD.

12 counts of crimes against humanity.
21 counts of war crimes.
He is Africa's Hitler.

In May of 2010, the United State's Congress signed the Lord’s Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009 without a single objection, however until this past week nothing had been done about it. As you can read above and may have heard on the news, this law is finally  being acted on.
You've probably been hearing conflicting views on this new action of our president. I know that many Americans have never even heard of the LRA and now our troops are headed over to fight them? I totally understand the confusion, but here's the thing. This situation? It's unique. It's unique in quite a few ways:
1. It's the LONGEST running war in Africa- the LRA has been terrorizing for a horrific 25 years. Since January alone they have killed a reported 137 innocent civilians and abducted 509 to use as soldiers and/or sex slaves.
2. They operate without any state authority whatsoever
3. They have no political or government backing which means they have no one enemy
4. They have crossed international boundaries
5. All five of the countries in the war effected region have requested assistance in Kony's apprehension6. There are no longer any procedural stumbling blocks in the way of Kony's arrest
7. As I have said before, not only is Joseph Kony the number one wanted war criminal in the world not only wanted for war crimes but also for crimes against humanity, it is U.S. law to provide assistance in his arrest

Personally, I support President Obama's action against the LRA and I encourage you to do the same, even if you don't support the President and decisions he has made in the past.
This is not political, this is human. 

If you are interested in being apart of the ending of the longest running war in Africa, here are a few resources for you:
The First is a link to a three & a half minute video explaining further who the LRA is and what they have done.
The Second  is a link to an instructional video about how you can support this action against the LRA.
The Third is a link to my fundraising page, the money donated will immediately go to the development of the first rehabilitation center in the Congo for former child soldiers, HF radio towers so that villages can be warned of LRA activity and FM radio towers so that we can reach out to the child soldiers of the LRA through their personal radios. These FM broadcasts to the LRA have brought countless children home.

Fall in love with the impossible, because the impossible is happening. We are ending the longest running war in Africa!
What is impossible with man is possible with God.
-Luke 18:28

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