Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Perfect Weather

Today was the most perfect-est of all fall weather days.

It was that not-quite-gloomy, not-quite-sunny of days. The kind of day you can bundle up in your jacket and scarf but don't need your mittens (which is good because last winter you sort of lost all your mittens..ehem..). It would have been the perfect day for Halloween, it really would have.
wouldn't you just love to go trick-or-treating on a day like today?
It was also the perfect day to stroll campus and go to my favorite spot. The perfect day not to be sad even when I realized my pumpkin latte was almost gone (which wasn't that sad to begin with because grumpy barista lady did not realize what a treat it is for me to buy any type of fancy coffee shop beverage and made it with too much coffee and too little pumpkin. So really the enjoyment was in the warmth and the look-at-me-being-all-collegiate-with-a-coffee-cup-in-my-hand feeling).

Today is one of those good thinking days too, those not-quite-gloomy, not-quite-sunny days are always quite good for thinking. So I must leave you something to ponder. 
"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?"                                                                                     -Esther 4:14
This is my very favorite verse, it has been for forever, in fact it's what I named the blog after. I know it's not really the orthodox type of verse to be a person's favorite, but here's why it's mine; It says that God will always win and He can do it just fine on his own, but he uses normal people to to it. He puts everyday, normal, seemingly boring, ordinary people such places so that they might be extraordinary! He does it all the time. With this in mind, every day becomes a chance for something extraordinary to happen doesn't it? And everyplace has a purpose, yes? I think this is my favorite verse because I forget this all the time. It's nice to remember that no matter where you are (even if you're not yet in Africa, or where ever your Africa may be) that you are still there for "such a time as this."




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