Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

 Forgetting to use swipe my ID card before opening the dorm door. Every. Time. Then having to put down my books, purse, bag, phone, and what have you to search for the card all while someone in the lobby looks on and eventually takes pity on seemingly new girl and opens the door for me. 
Wearing an exceptionally long skirt and having it get stuck under your chair as you walk away. Poor skirt, I probably stretched it out with all the times it got stuck today. 
Going to shake someone's hand who was not reaching for me. He was reaching for the woman standing a few feet away from me. Hands ran together and all I could say was, "oh, heh, intercepted." 
Remember those pictures I showed you from Julianne, Hannah and Elizabeth were visiting? Well here are the "blooper" versions:


The beauty of not putting things away: you find fun DVDs you didn't realize were at school with you! See Mom, putting three DVDs in one DVD case is not all bad. Unless you're looking for Everybody Loves Raymond and Mad About You at home. In which case, I'm sorry. 
My J-term class. J-term is 15 school days in the month of January where you can get 4 credits completed. It's great. I'm taking Law as it Applies to Special Education and it's so interesting! All about past cases and how they've influenced how we approach Special Ed today!...Ok, you can call me a nerd. It's OK, really, I can handle it. 
The beautiful weather outside this past week. Although everyone has said this already but 45 degrees in January? What a happy week! 
 Remember Julianne who visited this week? She's now in San Diego being trained to be a roadie for Invisible Children! She'll be driving around the country showing documentaries, selling Invisible Children merchandise and pretty much saving the world.
Driving. It's really one of my very favorite things to do. Even when I watch my gas needle sink, it's still so relaxing. I sincerely suggest that all of you go out and buy a manual car. You'll drive your stress away.  

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