Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awkwards meet Awesomes

I own a pair of Ethan's old soccer pants. They're kinda big. Sometimes I jog across campus to the work out room while wearing them. Sometimes I forget to pull the drawstring. Sometimes when that happens I have to grab my pants for dear life before Mr. Man over there notices. 
 Couples who choose to get all close and touchy-touchy on the stairs. Why oh why can't you move 5 yards in either direction. So many un-used coaches. One of them could be yours today!
Getting called "Ma'am." Come on, I have atleast another few years before that name actually describes me, don't I?
Third Wheeling. This is pretty self explanatory. Don't feel too bad for me though, I haven't had a good third wheel date in about a year. I feel it's good for you every once in a while, keeps you humble. Also reminds you how not to be while coupling around other wheels.  
Watoto stuff. I may never, ever stop talking about it- a plane ticket, dates, a volunteer job description, pictures of sweet, chubby faces. I can't get over it. 
My camera charger arrives in the mail today! Have you been wondering about the sore lack of photographs as of late? It's because my charger doesn't like me anymore so I had to order a new one. He comes today! Pictures to arrive shortly thereafter.
My best friend, Haley has finished her first year of college! A round of applause if you please! 
Oh yeah! Mind if I brag a bit on that Ethan-man? He got into University of Michigan's Architecture program. Check that out! 
Long drives.  
Little boys who hand you a penny to buy the action figure they're eyeing on the top shelf. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Get Vomited on"

I bought a plane ticket to Uganda!
And then I got my volunteer description from the Babies Home in Uganda.
The description reads many things, You must be able to change a dirty diaper, lift a 15kg baby, do laundry, etc. but my favorite ones are "Be Vomited on" and "Give Cuddles."

May 20th.
Can't wait.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I know you feel I have forgotten you!
I am remiss.
But I have not forgotten.
I've just been up to a lot.
Like Uganda.
And Cover the Night.
And finding a home for next semester.
And breathing.
Stuff like that.

So, I promise to fill you in on those things.
But for tonight I will just tell you, dishes are my least favorite chore.
I hate doing them so much that I would rather take a picture of my ridiculousness than actually carry them down to the bathroom sink and wash them. I mean really, they live here too, shouldn't they pitch in? They should really learn how to clean themselves, it's basic hygiene (Did you know there was an 'i' in hygiene? I was not aware). So anyways, I shall go and do my dishes and tell them my woes of how much I am frustrated with their existence.
I write this post mostly to make you feel better about your quirks, you probably don't talk to your dirty dishes. Or argue with them. I might do both.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Surprise! Awkward and Awesome!

I always try to think of new titles...I'm running low.

scarf: Free Trade t: Aerie jacket: UO jeans: Nordstrom bag: Nordstrom boots: DSW necklace: Invisible Children

 Hiding my geek-ness as I listen to some kids in class complain about figuring out their class schedules for the next three years. I may or may not have post-it notes that have all the classes I needed to take and how many credit hours their worth. I may or may not have spent hours tweaking their order and smiling gleefully. I may or may not have come this close to suggesting they do the same. Come on, Jenni, don't show that side of you to people you barely know, it's just embarrassing. 
A professor who actually stated, "You wont get to first base without the proper tone." Must. Hide. Giggles. Must. Hide. Giggles. 
Boys who sleep in our lobby. I'm sorry, but why? You live here, just 100 meters away, go over there. Our couches are not that comfortable.
The arguments I've gotten into with our air conditioning in the past week. I have trouble turning on the air in 80 degree weather, so I have strong aversions to the cold blasts that erupt periodically. Then I yell. At first, KP (my room mate) seemed concerned, but now she kind of just ignores me, she's used to it. I'm not sure which is worse..
 Easter break came..and went. But it was lovely. 
 A friend of mine, Erin (she's fabulous- and I do not use the word "fabulous" lightly) invited me to come back to Uganda next summer (2013). Oh man, I'm considering it. We would be working with kids in Northern Uganda, ahh! OK, must focus on this summer first..
My cousin asking if I would speak to her Social Studies class after I get back from Uganda. I've always wanted to be a show-and-tell. 
We got an apartment! Two very sweet girls who I have never met offered to take in three very-homeless girls. Next semester we have a kitchen! And the kitchen has a sink! And we have new friends! (Hoping on that last one.)
Remember my post-it note planning from up there? Well in a few minutes I get to put it into action and register for my classes.  If I ever said "Boo-yah!" this would be a place I would use the phrase. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Laundry Basket

This is Cassie and she is not allowed in my room. In fact, the door is supposed to remain closed at all times, but she snuck in via my laundry basket. And proceeded to entertain me, so I couldn't just kick her out. 
Also, sidenote, I'm not a cat lady, I promise. Honest. For real. 
Gosh, I hope I'm not a cat lady. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Generation

jeans: Nordstrom shoes: Keds t: Billabong jacket: UO

What can I say, pictures didn't get much time today. 

I didn't forget about you, I promise!
But it was Easter and Easter has lots involved in it, so I do hope you'll forgive me.
I have all sorts of things to fill you in on over the next few days but first up is Kony Part II. That's right, Kony2012 just wasn't enough so Invisible Children made a sequel to go more in depth on Invisible Children, the LRA and affected regions. It also has the details for Cover the Night.
The video is about 20 minutes long and totally worth it, but before you watch it I just want to quote Ben Keesy. You'll hear him say these words about 14 minutes in but I wanted you to see them in print too,
"We are a new generation of justice. Made for such a time as this. Because our liberty is bound together, across the world and across the street."
I cried when I heard those words and I hope that they might challenge you as well. We are bound in an inescapable web with people everywhere. Join this movement or join another, but let us truly be a generation of justice.