Sunday, April 22, 2012


I know you feel I have forgotten you!
I am remiss.
But I have not forgotten.
I've just been up to a lot.
Like Uganda.
And Cover the Night.
And finding a home for next semester.
And breathing.
Stuff like that.

So, I promise to fill you in on those things.
But for tonight I will just tell you, dishes are my least favorite chore.
I hate doing them so much that I would rather take a picture of my ridiculousness than actually carry them down to the bathroom sink and wash them. I mean really, they live here too, shouldn't they pitch in? They should really learn how to clean themselves, it's basic hygiene (Did you know there was an 'i' in hygiene? I was not aware). So anyways, I shall go and do my dishes and tell them my woes of how much I am frustrated with their existence.
I write this post mostly to make you feel better about your quirks, you probably don't talk to your dirty dishes. Or argue with them. I might do both.

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