Friday, December 30, 2011

Awesome and Awkward...Friday?

I know, I am remiss! I missed Thursday, so will you forgive me and allow me a Friday post instead?
Oh good, I knew you would.

My very wonderful friend Erin coming in on Christmas Eve Eve and playing with me.
She's so amazing, we both love Africa, we both will end up in Uganda, we went to the same camp as kids, were in the same church district, went on a trip to Missouri together and yet we didn't meet until this summer at Fourth Estate in San Diego. If that's not crazy, what is? 
The last few chapters of the gospel of Luke.  
My crazy family. My extended family is enormous. My Mom has 6 brothers and sisters, so when we all gather we're talking about 31 people. They're pretty funny.
My good friend Haley meeting me on my lunch break.
The new Sherlock Holmes, go check it out.  
The year of the boot! Ethan got me these terribly awesome boots  and my Mom got me Hunter boots (the really classy green ones just like Princess Diana)! I'm serious, the year of the boot. I like boots.  
Wearing short skirts and being picked up. Oops. Good thing I had on tights with holes in them..yipes. 
Your 89-year-old Nana telling you about a man who has a romantic interest in her. Oy. 
 The Dentist. Even when it's not awkward, you feel awkward. 
Ringing up a customer for a seventh of what they owe and having them tell me, "uh, we owe you more money."
This picture from yesterday, I think I am afraid of my house:

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Skirt: c/o CAbi Shirt: Gap Scarf: F21 Boots (!!!): Gift/Steve Madden

WATOTO: The Swahili word for Children

So, something I should probably tell you guys..
I'm going to Uganda in May.
Right now I'm hoping to work at an orphanage called Watoto. I sent in my application the other day. It's this amazing place that takes in unwanted babies from all over Uganda. I don't think I can do it justice, so you have to watch the video below. It's worth the 3 minutes, I promise. The babies are so stinking adorable I think I've watched it about 10 times.

Baby Watoto from Watoto on Vimeo.

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Merry Christmas To You


It might be the day after Christmas, but I hope you're still Merry!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Christmas break spelled out two words to me before the semester ended:
I love reading, but I spent most of this semester reading books for my children's lit class (and loved it). However now it's time for big kid books. So here is my Christmas Break List:
 I just finished this, it was great. But definitely some hard to take stuff. You have to be in a strong mood I think.

Has been on my list for ages, time to go pick it up. 

I feel like I really must see what all the hub-bub is all about. 
Because it's a must know when you're jetting off to Uganda in May. 

And Again. 

Did I mention I have a gift card to Barnes and Nobel?
Happy Day. 

What books are on your reading list? 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday


Having three young men help me put on a ski. Yep, took three. And about 5 minutes. Five minutes is a long time when there are three young men helping you put on a ski.
Falling while skiing, I'm a pro fall-er. I should medal in falling. You think I'm joking, you think wrong.   
Late night commercials. And the fact that I find myself thinking, "Ooh, I should get that."
Glamour Magazine, I never read magazines, but I was in a waiting room for about two hours, so I thumbed through Glamour. It's scary in there! Lots of things I'm not sure I ever want to know about all sorts of lady things.  
All kinds of people I know are going to the chapel and gonna get married.  
Working at the toystore, all kinds of little people and their little hats. Adorable. 
Grandma's Christmas cookies that ended up in my purse somehow. She's a good Grandma. 
Skiing, you may notice that I went skiing from above. Did I mention Ethan and I went skiing? 
Buying Christmas presents! I believe I've got them all, now on to wrap!

A Merry, Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve to you! 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hey There, Cold Stuff.

It's Christmas Break.
In case you are confused on break's definition, it literally means "NO HOMEWORK."
And yes, it does mean working almost everyday, but for now, let's focus on the NO HOMEWORK aspect. 

Furthermore, it's Christmas Break. 
I've never gotten much into the commercial part of Christmas, Santa is alright and presents are fun, but my very favorite part of Christmas, is the manger scene. 
This year, my very favorite part is Mary and all the emotions she must have gone through. I mean, it's your baby, your heart living outside of your body, but he's GOD. How do you react to that? What do you do? How do you let anyone else hold him? So many things that must have been factors of Mary's thinking that we would never have to think about with our own babies. 
And then there's the whole reason for the manger scene, love incarnate. 
It's all pretty.. well it's just beautiful. 

Merry Christmas Break everyone. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Sweater: Banana Republic Scarf: Thrifted Leggings: Target Boots: DSW  Earrings: Von Maur

Those bottom two pictures, need I say more?
A young man getting my attention and saying, "I was trying to wink at you." How do you even answer that?
Glasses. It's finals week, so I've been opting for glasses over contacts. Mostly because I fall asleep as I'm studying and my eyes get mad at me when they have to hang out with my contacts while I sleep..I digress. Pushing my glasses up my nose so that they go back into their proper place. All while wearing my Honors College jacket. Can you say lookslikeanerd? Well, sure, but can you say it 5 times fast?
Tossing your cookies (and I do mean allll your cookies..and hamburgers) while your you're on the phone. Granted my phone was on the other side of the room, but still.  
Walking into a classroom to observe and a little girl in the front row saying, "She looks nice."
A man who does dishes. Gotta love him, I mean seriously. 
Finishing the tests part of finals, just one Children's Lit project to go. Who wouldn't like doing a Children's Lit project?
Invisible Children Fundraising ending for this semester, I am so proud of my team! Our goal was $2500 and guess how much we made? $2766! They're amazing. 
Speaking of Invisible Children, finding out my very lovely, amazing, good looking friend, Julianne will be a ROADIE with them next semester! What's a roadie? Glad you asked, go ahead and check it out: HERE. Go on, go watch, then come back...Doesn't it look just so terribly epic?? 
Remembering this at Christmas "getting" time:                                
              Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."                           -Hebrews 13:5

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You Know it's Finals When..

  • The hall smells faintly of pizza most of the time
  • Pinterest becomes even MORE interesting then it has been the past few months
  • Chocolate has become a necessary aspect of my every day
  • My room has erupted, the volcanic ash strangely resembles textbooks
  • The boys carol throughout the halls in their boxers 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines

This week has been a James Taylor week. 
James Taylor is probably my very favorite type of music in the whole wide world. 
A few other favorite things?


               (Just to name a few)                                  



That's all for today, what are your favorites?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

Getting new boots! Old boots had holes. Poor old boots. Three years was just too long to love you. Alas..but new boots are great! They're all fancy and leather-like and I got a great deal. 
The Christmas break countdown. A week and a day I believe is where we're at now. That sounds glorious.
My RA informing me that she had a "friend crush" on me last year. Mwahaha, little did she know that I requested her floor because I had a "friend crush" on her too!
 Working at the Toystore this time of year. It's so much fun. Especially all the little people with their giant hats and mittens. I can't even take it, adorable.
 The little girl in the Target bathroom today, "Mommy, I have to go potty." "Good, this is where we go potty, not the car!" Ha! 
Checking my Invisible Children Fundraising Page and realizing my team is less than $50 away from our $2500 goal. Amazing.  
 Four people hitting that break in the conversation...... ...  .  .
 Slipping on the ice in those awesome boots and falling quite gracefully (eh em) in a dress.
 Using the word "dendrites" in a presentation for my Brain Development class and having half the class snicker. Why is "dendrites" funny? I used the word right, people. Please don't freak me out in the middle of my power point presentation. 
 Running out in the most ridiculous looking outfit at 11:57 at night because I realized that my car was parked somewhere that would become illegal at midnight. Giant-dirty-sweatpants tucked into winterboots, 3 giant sweaters, a winter coat and wet hair, meet Dorm Lobby full of strange looks. 
Foresaid little girl peeking in on me while in the bathroom. Hello, dear, please avert your little eyes. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ever Feel Like This?

Sometimes I have "This" kinda days too.
Especially when it's December and I took three summer classes. 
Yep, three.
So basically the longest break I've had since last year at Christmas was in August for a little over a week and a half. 
Break sounds nicee.
But until then I feel like "This."

So, since I'm feeling rather like "This" I figured many of you are too. Whether your in school or not, December is when everything starts to pile up and call out, "HELLO, I need your attention right now!" So I thought I'd give you a bit of happiness to throw in your day. 

How can you look at that and not smile? Really, if you didn't laugh, you're just silly. 
Happy December. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Million Dollars?

Why hello!
Remember Invisible Children?

Yep! Them!
Well you see, we Invisible Children people, we're a little nutty.
We got it in our heads that were going to make a million dollars by midnight Pacific Standard Time.
Yeah, we know.
But see, we've only got $30,000 left to go.
It's kind of a  big deal.
The kind of big deal you want to be a part of.
So, here's whatcha do:
Gather all your pennies, dimes, nickles, $50 dollar bills, you know.
Click the Giant Green DONATE NOW button.
Follow the rather self explanatory credit card instructions.
Change thousands of lives in the Congo.
Join the tens of thousands of amazing individuals working together to end the longest running war in Africa and bring those child soldiers home.

It's the best thing you can do with your Friday night.
Thank you!