Thursday, December 8, 2011

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

Getting new boots! Old boots had holes. Poor old boots. Three years was just too long to love you. Alas..but new boots are great! They're all fancy and leather-like and I got a great deal. 
The Christmas break countdown. A week and a day I believe is where we're at now. That sounds glorious.
My RA informing me that she had a "friend crush" on me last year. Mwahaha, little did she know that I requested her floor because I had a "friend crush" on her too!
 Working at the Toystore this time of year. It's so much fun. Especially all the little people with their giant hats and mittens. I can't even take it, adorable.
 The little girl in the Target bathroom today, "Mommy, I have to go potty." "Good, this is where we go potty, not the car!" Ha! 
Checking my Invisible Children Fundraising Page and realizing my team is less than $50 away from our $2500 goal. Amazing.  
 Four people hitting that break in the conversation...... ...  .  .
 Slipping on the ice in those awesome boots and falling quite gracefully (eh em) in a dress.
 Using the word "dendrites" in a presentation for my Brain Development class and having half the class snicker. Why is "dendrites" funny? I used the word right, people. Please don't freak me out in the middle of my power point presentation. 
 Running out in the most ridiculous looking outfit at 11:57 at night because I realized that my car was parked somewhere that would become illegal at midnight. Giant-dirty-sweatpants tucked into winterboots, 3 giant sweaters, a winter coat and wet hair, meet Dorm Lobby full of strange looks. 
Foresaid little girl peeking in on me while in the bathroom. Hello, dear, please avert your little eyes. 

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