Thursday, December 1, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

                                                   Hat: Gap Sweater: Gap Scarf: H&M Gloves: AE
Walking around campus with an exceptionally heavy back pack on only one shoulder. Don't mind me, I'm just lopsided.
Falling up the stairs. No matter who is there to see it or how to you respond to it, you can't minimilize this awkward. But for some reason every time it happens I laugh. In hindsight, this might make it worse.. 
 Getting pulled over. My very first time being pulled over and answering Mr. Policeman's question about whose name my car is registered under with, "My Dad." Took a good minute of him just looking at me to realize, "Oh! You don't know my Dad!" (For those curious, I wasn't speeding, I crossed the line on the very rainy-wet-dark-scary road to avoid slippery-dark-wet-rainy spots and he wanted  to make sure I hadn't been taking sips of things I shouldn't. Also, for those whose curiosity has not quite been fulfilled, I didn't get a ticket or anything. Mr. Policeman was very nice.)
 My friend Laurie and I acting like we're in third grade when being presented a third grade lesson in class. The girl TOLD us too, but apparently Laurie and I were the only ones who thought saying, "Teacher! Teacher! She pinched me!!" was funny.
Turning in my giant Children's Lit Reading List Project. Over 66 books read, recorded, summarized, and journal-ed about in some way. DONE! (Still reading Children's books though, I can't help it.)
The very nice person who sits next to me in Children't Lit Class who helped me organize my mess of papers that needed to be organized and put in the Reading List binder (I had printing difficulties..the project was done in time, I didn't really procrastinate, I promise!).
Snow and sunshine. I will take you by the hand, Sir. Winter, if you keep this up.
Chapel yesterday- all Chapel band and all worship. Just the day before I had told God I needed time to just sit and talk to him, and so he gave me a whole hour of chapel to sing and talk to him.
Giant winter coats! My Mom and I found mine this summer in California. It was about 7400% off and she got it for me. It's so cozy, like walking around with a down comforter on. Except that when I walk around with my down comforter on it drags on the floor and I trip and I can't hold anything. This works much better!

Today is December! Today is almost-finals, almost-gift-wrapping, almost-family, almost-manger scenes, almost-angels-singing-to-shepherds, almost Christmas. 

Realizing it's almost Christmas made me remember my favorite Christmas verse,
"..But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."                               -Luke 2:19

What's your favorite Christmas verse?

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