Thursday, December 15, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Sweater: Banana Republic Scarf: Thrifted Leggings: Target Boots: DSW  Earrings: Von Maur

Those bottom two pictures, need I say more?
A young man getting my attention and saying, "I was trying to wink at you." How do you even answer that?
Glasses. It's finals week, so I've been opting for glasses over contacts. Mostly because I fall asleep as I'm studying and my eyes get mad at me when they have to hang out with my contacts while I sleep..I digress. Pushing my glasses up my nose so that they go back into their proper place. All while wearing my Honors College jacket. Can you say lookslikeanerd? Well, sure, but can you say it 5 times fast?
Tossing your cookies (and I do mean allll your cookies..and hamburgers) while your you're on the phone. Granted my phone was on the other side of the room, but still.  
Walking into a classroom to observe and a little girl in the front row saying, "She looks nice."
A man who does dishes. Gotta love him, I mean seriously. 
Finishing the tests part of finals, just one Children's Lit project to go. Who wouldn't like doing a Children's Lit project?
Invisible Children Fundraising ending for this semester, I am so proud of my team! Our goal was $2500 and guess how much we made? $2766! They're amazing. 
Speaking of Invisible Children, finding out my very lovely, amazing, good looking friend, Julianne will be a ROADIE with them next semester! What's a roadie? Glad you asked, go ahead and check it out: HERE. Go on, go watch, then come back...Doesn't it look just so terribly epic?? 
Remembering this at Christmas "getting" time:                                
              Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."                           -Hebrews 13:5

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