Tuesday, February 28, 2012

11 Blessings, Counted

Today I need to write a paper for a scholarship. It's half way done, but I was supposed to write it a month ago..about that.
However, Hulu and writing to you guys seem to have taken priority. How are you today?
In my attempt to not to homework, I thought I'd tell you of 11 things that are wonderful. Perhaps I've been playing Bing Crosby in my head due to the snow, but here are 11 blessings:
1. My last night class was cut from 2 hours to half an hour
2. My class today was cancelled, giving me more time to procrastinate with my paper                                     (I'll stop with the classes now)
3.  Tomorrow is Focus Day. It's a day that all classes are cancelled so that students can attend a variety of seminars on one particular subject and how it effects our lives. This year is about Modern Day Slavery, which is a total passion of mine. I'm attending every seminar I can manage. 
4. Ethan's coming to Focus!
5. My hair is growing. We had a conversation, and he promises to continue to do so. It's quite exciting
6. Only 5 days left of classes until Spring Break.
7.  A Professor who has been to Uganda about 15 times and gave me lots of suggestions for foods I have to try while I'm there this summer. 
8. Chapel band.
9. This incredible book I'm reading for my Social Justice Class, it's called There are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowitz. It's a true story about two young boys growing up in Chicago's Projects during the 80s. It's an incredible book (I may have repeated myself there..it's worth repeating- incredible book).
10. Learning about Uganda this summer. I get so excited when I think about it. 
11. Thursday I get to sign up for my Cross Cultural Trip- a three week international trip required by the school. I. am. so. jazzed.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Went to Chicago This Weekend...

...and only came back with one picture.

But it was a picture from the Garfield Park Conservatory, which was amazing, the rooms there are so incredible, I can't imagine how you could take care of all those different plants!
Chicago in general was amazing, we got to go to Reverend Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition, a Muslim Masque and an amazing play. It was a great weekend.
If you do end up in Chicago soon, go check out the Conservatory, especially because it's warm right now (it's a rather nice reprieve from outside). But you might want to take more pictures than I did... Blogger fail a bit right there.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Walking along and hearing running footsteps behind me. Then suddenly there's this terribly non-nonchalant looking character walking right next to me, "oh, hey," he says. Smooth
Seeing both coffee pots that normally reside in the Dining Commons in the girls bathroom.
Walking precariously between a couple with arms filled with dirty dishes. Why must couples insist on standing eight feet away from each other opposite the stairs? Why is this the prime spot?

Edy's French Silk Ice Cream. Oh man. 
Vo5 Hot Oil for your hair. It makes it feel so silky. It also makes your hair look like a little old Asian lady when you sleep with it in all night.  
Meeting someone at the Doctors who keeps asking, "Have we met?" (We haven't met) only to have her realize she knows my Mom, "You look just like her! Just a little cuter. Don't tell her I said that."
Polite little boys who come to the toy store. Just melt my heart, little guy, just melt my heart.  
 Getting to spend this coming weekend in Chicago for my class about social justice. I'm super psyched. 
Have a great weekend! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let's Try it Out

I've been rather absent as of late because I was thinking this blog may come off as rather well..all about me. And I'd rather not do that. Spotlight has never been my thing. 
But, then I had people wondering where the blog went. Well, can't let you down now, can I?
So let's try it out, at least until I get back from Uganda in June. The blog about Awesomes, Awkwards, Social Justice, Faith and a girl who quite often finds life amusing.
Also, that same girl is not at all interested in going to her night class...

So hello! Do come back again. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

 My Mom coming for a visit and taking Kristen (my room mate) and I out to dinner. Outback, no less. The awesomeness embodied in this evening is...well just great. 
The glorious sunlight we've been getting around here lately. It's cliche and everyone has said it, but 50 degrees in a Michigan winter? I'll happily take that. In fact I'll take that and return to ask, "more, sir?"
 Getting to have a nice long talk with my Mentor and former professor, Dr. Ingles. She's amazing, so wise and so encouraging. I have the most fun talking to her. 
Kristen and I discovering Despicable Me clips on Youtube. We have watched this one  about a hundred times and we have "It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE" written on our whiteboard. We're renting the movie this weekend. 
Quotes I've underlined from the book I'm reading for my class on social justice (Generous Justice by Tim Keller). I won't make you read them all (might take a while), but here is just one:                                                                                                                                      "An encounter with Grace inevitably leads to a life of Justice." 
Someone grabbing my boot (while still on my foot) to check out the design on the calf and the heel.
 Pretending to be OCD for a murder mystery. For a while I think people really thought I felt the need to fix their napkins every 30 seconds. 
 Sorry, guess this week just wasn't that awkward..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Have you ever watched the show The Biggest Loser? I never did either until this season when my high school Bible teacher made it on the show. Now I watch it regularly to check on how he's doing and shout out for everyone within earshot to hear, "I know him! Look how great he's doing! Go Mr. Shuh! I know him!" Needless to say, I've learned to avoid watching the show in public places. But here's what I wanted to call to your attention, the theme for this season's show is "No Excuses."
Today in my class on Social Justice we had a guest professor who talked to us about MLK and those who opposed him. There were many who believed in his cause but opposed his timing and his methods. They asked him to "give it time," "not cause a stir." They believed that his involvement, while motivated by the right things, was the wrong way.
The professor (I am remiss that I did not catch his name) pointed out people who may be of a similar opinion to the "Kings" of today. "It's the wrong time," "We shouldn't cause a stir," "May not be our business." How many of you have heard such excuses? I have often been fed excuses, asked to take them on as my own from people who genuinely care for me.
Recently I was talking to a man about my trip to Uganda this summer. He was completely against it and his main argument left me reeling, "I understand a calling to Uganda," he said,  "even a very specific calling. When I was your age I received such a calling. But it's been 30 years and I have yet to go." He was trying to give me a way out, an excuse to wait for "better timing," but I couldn't help but feeling sorry for him. These excuses that have piled up in his life, whether they be timing or anything else, have left him in one place. He hasn't moved. According to his own words, his calling hasn't been fulfilled.
How easy is it to come up with excuses for not living a Biblical life? Not being one who stands up for social injustices and causes a stir for what is right?
So I'm taking a page out The Biggest Loser's Ideals. No Excuses.
"If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."                                                                                                                                                           
-MLK Jr 

Monday, February 6, 2012


Skirt: Thrifted Shirt: Lohmans Scarf: Gap Belt: Thrifted Boots: Target

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then i shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 
-1 Corinthians 13:12

Friday, February 3, 2012


While cleaning out my picture file on my laptop, I found these gems. So incase you didn't get enough awkward yesterday..

  Happy Weekend!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awesome and Awkward

Overhearing someone ask, "Is there Greek on campus?" To which the answer was, "Yeah, you can take Greek." Ha! Small Christian Schools, I tell yea. 
Chapel has started again! We don't have chapel during January because it's Interim, but chapel is back!   
Getting to park next to my dorm. That's rightttt! My credits mean that I am officially junior status and I can park in the nice parking lot right next door. If I wanted to I could go gaze at Willbe (my little 2-door focus) all day long from the warmth of the lobby. Gone are the days of trekking  out to him, he's right there! 
The alarming amount of times I must go to the bathroom because of my water bottle which I am addicted to. It's worse then ever before. I may need intervention.
Being introduced, "This is Jenni, she's quiet." ...
Changing in strange contortions to avoid the mirror right near my nook of our room. All mirrors are double sided, don't you know? Never know who could be watching from the other side. Silly people, go live your life, don't hide behind our mirror all day. 
The fact that students arn't allowed to use the art gallery bathrooms. I'm sorry, but why not? And how do they monitor this? Is there a camera? A detector that will notice I'm under 25 and automatically suspect me? Will I get a ticket? Will I be accosted by campus safety officers for using the art gallery bathroom? Silly art gallery bathrooms, thinking they are so above all other campus bathrooms. OK, rant over. 

An Awkward and an Awesome:(ooh, a twist!)
May I be honest with you? I have problems. One of them is that I seldom emerge from the shower without my legs turning into a bloody mess. I don't know why, but my legs and my razor cannot get along with a shower stall. Well guess what! This week, my legs emerged with only the slightest bit of blood (and lets face it, the  blood that was there came from left over scabs from last time). Victory!