Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Have you ever watched the show The Biggest Loser? I never did either until this season when my high school Bible teacher made it on the show. Now I watch it regularly to check on how he's doing and shout out for everyone within earshot to hear, "I know him! Look how great he's doing! Go Mr. Shuh! I know him!" Needless to say, I've learned to avoid watching the show in public places. But here's what I wanted to call to your attention, the theme for this season's show is "No Excuses."
Today in my class on Social Justice we had a guest professor who talked to us about MLK and those who opposed him. There were many who believed in his cause but opposed his timing and his methods. They asked him to "give it time," "not cause a stir." They believed that his involvement, while motivated by the right things, was the wrong way.
The professor (I am remiss that I did not catch his name) pointed out people who may be of a similar opinion to the "Kings" of today. "It's the wrong time," "We shouldn't cause a stir," "May not be our business." How many of you have heard such excuses? I have often been fed excuses, asked to take them on as my own from people who genuinely care for me.
Recently I was talking to a man about my trip to Uganda this summer. He was completely against it and his main argument left me reeling, "I understand a calling to Uganda," he said,  "even a very specific calling. When I was your age I received such a calling. But it's been 30 years and I have yet to go." He was trying to give me a way out, an excuse to wait for "better timing," but I couldn't help but feeling sorry for him. These excuses that have piled up in his life, whether they be timing or anything else, have left him in one place. He hasn't moved. According to his own words, his calling hasn't been fulfilled.
How easy is it to come up with excuses for not living a Biblical life? Not being one who stands up for social injustices and causes a stir for what is right?
So I'm taking a page out The Biggest Loser's Ideals. No Excuses.
"If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."                                                                                                                                                           
-MLK Jr 

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