Thursday, February 2, 2012

Awesome and Awkward

Overhearing someone ask, "Is there Greek on campus?" To which the answer was, "Yeah, you can take Greek." Ha! Small Christian Schools, I tell yea. 
Chapel has started again! We don't have chapel during January because it's Interim, but chapel is back!   
Getting to park next to my dorm. That's rightttt! My credits mean that I am officially junior status and I can park in the nice parking lot right next door. If I wanted to I could go gaze at Willbe (my little 2-door focus) all day long from the warmth of the lobby. Gone are the days of trekking  out to him, he's right there! 
The alarming amount of times I must go to the bathroom because of my water bottle which I am addicted to. It's worse then ever before. I may need intervention.
Being introduced, "This is Jenni, she's quiet." ...
Changing in strange contortions to avoid the mirror right near my nook of our room. All mirrors are double sided, don't you know? Never know who could be watching from the other side. Silly people, go live your life, don't hide behind our mirror all day. 
The fact that students arn't allowed to use the art gallery bathrooms. I'm sorry, but why not? And how do they monitor this? Is there a camera? A detector that will notice I'm under 25 and automatically suspect me? Will I get a ticket? Will I be accosted by campus safety officers for using the art gallery bathroom? Silly art gallery bathrooms, thinking they are so above all other campus bathrooms. OK, rant over. 

An Awkward and an Awesome:(ooh, a twist!)
May I be honest with you? I have problems. One of them is that I seldom emerge from the shower without my legs turning into a bloody mess. I don't know why, but my legs and my razor cannot get along with a shower stall. Well guess what! This week, my legs emerged with only the slightest bit of blood (and lets face it, the  blood that was there came from left over scabs from last time). Victory!

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