Thursday, March 15, 2012

Awesome and Awkward!

Crepes for breakfast: first these made me feel decadent and second, it was with Caroline! Caroline's engaged to Ethan's brother. I feel the need to tell everyone this. Did you hear? Daniel and Caroline are engaged!
The little boy at the toystore (who had two different boots on) who walked around with a t-rex saying, "I may be big but I'm very nice!" 
 Mom being terribly Mom like and buying a dress for me. It's actually a night gown, I swear you can't tell.
The SUN! 70 degrees in March? Well, if you insist.  
Getting shots from the travel clinic. This sounds like a bad thing, doesn't it? But it means that I'm going! I'm going to Uganda, I mean, I knew before but it's really, really real!
Mom quoting Ghost Town at a funeral, specifically the line "everybody dies" to the deceased's grandson.  
 My dream where I was quite certain I forgot to put on a shirt before going out in public. I'm incredibly disturbed that dream-me didn't seem to mind. 
Asking the checkout lady to check a price for me. The price was overpriced, "no thanks" I say. "So you just want this top?" Holding up what I just no-thanks-ed, "nope, I'm good, thank you!" I say. "So you just want this?" She holds up something I had returned to her earlier, "oh, no, nothing today, thank you," I say. "So both?" ..She almost convinced me that I did actually want both. 
 Getting locked in a dressing room and knocking on the door (rather desperately), "let me outtttttt...please?" for about 5 minutes. When the lady did arrive I realized that I probably should have put clothing before she got there. 

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