Thursday, March 1, 2012

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

 A $5 sweater. He used to be $70. How do you like them apples?, sweaters?
Mom being OK with me possibly going to Greece next year. Poor that lady, she puts up with so much from her wanderlust daughter.
Daisies live in my window. They wave at me in the morning.
Black bean and Quinoa Infused Tortilla Chips. Go try 'em.
Not having to do dishes for a whole day!...minus one bowl. But only one bowl!! 
 Being told, "That's a very unusual last name." "Well, what's yours?" "Hopper." And Natkin is unusual?
The Chipolte waitress-person calling me "lady;" "What salsa you want, lady?"
 Walking into the hallway with a shirt that low because I live with 24 women, and it's Open Hours- 3 guys, right outside my door. Oops. 
 Having the "Write Right" guy (these English Majors they pay to read over your papers and edit them for you) reading my paper in front of me. Oh yeah, totally meant to write did not and not didn't..uhh..yep.
Reading a sale sign as "$5 stuff." It said "$5 off." I read it out loud to Ethan about 4 times before he corrected me.  
I promise to bring pictures back in the very near future. Pinky Promise. Thumb Promise. Ring Finger Promise.

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