Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony is this guy: 

He is the number one wanted war criminal in the whole, wide WORLD. 
But you've probably never heard of him. 
Or if you have, you've heard very little. 

I've written about the longest running war in Africa before, especially here, on October 16th, four days after President Obama sent U.S. advisory troops to aid the Ugandan army in their efforts to arrest Joseph Kony. In an attempt not to be redundant, I encourage you to click that link and see a lengthier summary of what is truly going on with our family in Central Africa. Because that's what they are, our family. 
Right now, our family in Central Africa has been living in fear for the past 26 years because that man up there, Kony, has been terrorizing with his "Lord's Resistance Army" or LRA (absolutely no affiliation with Christianity or the Lord). He has captured over 30,000 children and used them as soldiers and sex slaves, making them live out unspeakable night mares. 
Why hasn't he been stopped? 
Because Kony knew what he was up to, he attacked the people who didn't even touch the world's radar screen; they come from the lowest of the low end of the socio-economic scale and were invisible to the world for almost 20 years. 
But then these three boys went over to Uganda on a crazy adventure to try to film the war that was happening in Sudan at the time. Long story short, they made these children visible through the Non-Profit they started called Invisible Children
And so now here we are. Everything is in place for Kony's arrest and the liberation and rehabilitation of his child slaves. Why do I think God is allowing this to continue for even another day? 
Because you need to be aware. 
Invisible Children's goal for this year, 2012, is to make Joseph Kony the most famous man in the world, after all, he is the worst criminal in the world, everyone should know his name. When he is arrested he will be taken to the Hague and tried for 12 counts of crimes against humanity and 21 counts of war crimes. The entire world will watch. As this man who has become evil incarnate finally receives justice, every one will have to take notice. Every "bad guy" out there will have to know that we will seek them out, even when he oppresses the invisible. Don't you see? Those "invisibles" are our family members, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts. Our liberty is woven with theirs. 

And so, this year, 2012 has been dubbed the year of justice. 
Spread the word. 
Let's make Kony famous. 

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