Thursday, March 29, 2012

Awesomes and Awkwards

To give you a smile. 

Getting to see my old Bible teacher, you may recognize his name, Buddy Shuh, oh yeah, he just happens to be on The Biggest Loser this season and he looks incredible. Everyone kept telling me how they didn't recognize him when they saw him, but I thought I would, I mean I was prepared because everyone had told me, plus I've been keeping up with the shows and his facebook. Nope, I didn't recognize him, after a moment I placed the voice and almost screamed. So exciting. He so deserves this, he looks great.
I learned how to take a picture of my i-phone screen. I don't know why, but I believe this will be of the upmost usefulness.  
Two Kindergarten boys who walked up to me and said, "I like your boots." What fashion forward little guys.  
The book The Good News About Injustice by Gary Haugen. First of all, Gary Haugen is one of my heroes, he started International Justice Mission and spoke at Fourth Estate, which in my book pretty much makes you one of the coolest people that walk around on the planet. There really is no second of all. 
Finding out that the Ugandan Roadie for my district last Spring (who I talked to and was going to pick me up from the airport if I went to Uganda last summer) now works at the orphanage I'll be volunteering with this summer. How cool is that??
An old babysitting Mother of mine noticing my purity ring and gasping, "Oh my gosh, is that a RING?" "Umm, yes, but not...that."
Talking to my school health department about Immunizations. If I hear one more time that I am "a risk to the community around me" with out all my childhood shots I may scream. 
Telling Ethan I have to run to Target and him saying, "Oh, I'll come too, unless you need...girl stuff.." No, bud, even if that was all I needed in the whole wide world I would never admit it to you, I prefer you stay completely oblivious to that aspect of my life. But he asked me three times, I was starting to worry if I was sending off a "girl stuff" vibe.  
This little girl: She had been running up to me all day long. Finally I tickle her and she laughs and suddenly stops, turns to me and says, "Stop that, you old goose!" Then she followed me around for the rest of the day. 

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