Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Chucky Effect

As in the creepy phrase, "I'm backkkkkkk" (Actually, I used to describe the Chucky effect as that guy who you never ever saw but on the rare occasion he popped back into your life your head got all dizzy and your voice got all giggly. That was before Ethan, I promise).
Anyways, I'm back from Africa and I'm in the U.S. of A. I know, I've been back for over a month and I only blogged..er...twice while there, but I promise a lot happened and living it just sounded more appealing than recording it. I know, I'm selfish and quite rude, but will you please forgive me? I'm so not a blogger. I don't know what in the world we're doing here. Thanks for hanging in there with me, guys.
Anyways. A lot has happened. I really would have updated you quite some time ago but just after I got back from Africa my computer crashed with a great big bang (and i do mean a BANG) and it cost the prettiest penny to get him fixed so it took a few paychecks to get him back. Now that Huego (my trusty laptop) and I are reunited, I can update you.

Well, I lived in Uganda for a month. It's quite sureal. If I didn't know better I would insist to you that I am two people, a person who lives in Africa and a person who lives here. I was quite certain I would find a completed version of myself over in Africa: some non-clumsy, rather graceful White Ugandan who fit in as though she had grown up in that red dirt, but such was not the case. I took about two weeks and a whole lot of sickness to catch my stride there and even then I did crave bagels an awful lot (the only bagels over there are in this tiny little shop in downtown Kampala which we could never, ever find. But we did hear rumors and oh how beautiful those rumors were). Still, I did catch my stride and I left my heart with the sweet babes who burried their faces in my shoulders, laughed and my raspberries and wiped their spit up on my pants.
I promise to tell you more about them, but tonight I leave you with the memories I brought home with me. Pictures of little faces and tall trees and red dirt.


"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." -James 1: 27

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sweet Baby James

I don’t actually have a baby at the baby’s home whose name is James, but I sing James Taylor’s lullabye almost daily to these precious little guys. I don’t know how I’ll make it in the states without a baby to hold.
I have been here in Uganda for 13 days and I have 18 days left, so I know, I’ve been a terrible blogger. Let’s see, a lot has happened. Mostly I had a severe allergic reaction to my malaria meds and so I’ve been to the “surgery” as they call it twice and had to postpone moving into the village until I had malaria meds that wouldn’t kill me (heh, exaggerating there…I hope). So I spent a lot of time stuck in the house watching The Mentalist. Not that I have anything against the Mentalist (especially bootleg versions that only cost about a dollar USD per season), but I would kindaa rather do Ugandan things while in Uganda. But now I’m up and about and playing with babies and will move to the village on Tuesday.
I’m learning a lot here. I’m learning the difference between being like Paul (who God sent on a his journey but allowed him to be shipwrecked, stoned, tried unjustly and just plain persecuted) who still praised God despite his journey’s troubles and being an Israelite (who God sent on their journey and as soon as they felt out of their comfort zone they got mad). I was so disappointed that God would let me get so sick and let me get so lonely in the place he told me to go. I felt as if I had done this great thing for him and he had sort of just..left me there.
Ah, I could not have been more wrong. I am never “left” but I do have to learn things. And getting sick and being lonely comes with the package. I am well aware that I have not signed onto a simple life and that’s OK because it’s all being guided. Yes? Yes.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Meanwhile in Africa..

So, hey there. Eh, I can’t think of a clever way to say it: I’m in Uganda!
There you go.
The past couple of days I’ve had back spasms, and apparently holding three babies doesn’t help with that so much, so I’ve stayed home today- thinking I would lie on ice all day, but the housekeeper and security guard decided to move the beds around. So instead, I ventured outdoors. With. The. Birds.
I don’t know if any of you know this, but I am seriously afraid of birds, and these guys? They’re black and big with pointy, curvy beaks and loud noises (they sound like monkeys) and they have the front yard as their residence. So venturing outdoors to read is a serious feat for me. One that should not go ignored. I will accept congratulations in any form you care to send it (ok, now that just sounded a bit self centered, didn’t it. I apologize, and I digress..)
So, I went outside. It’s sunny and warm and there are tropical trees everywhere and if you look over the wall you can see a hill with hundreds of houses dotting it. And there are also lots of flies to keep you company, I think they were just worried about my back spasm, it’s cool guys, you don’t have to spend all your time with me, really, go hang out with the birds.
Let’s see. What am I doing here? Right now I live in Kampala (the Capitol of Uganda) and I work at Watoto Baby’s Home here, but in about a week they’ll be moving me to a Watoto village to work in the Baby’s Home there (many more babies there). I’m excited to move out there, it’s lovely. What you think of when you think of Africa (minus the elephants and giraffes- they don’t really just walk around, I know, you’re pretty bummed aren’t you? Haha, Ethan thought I would see them out my window). The babes are amazing. In Kampala there are mostly new babies and/or sick babies because Kampala has the best medical facilities. As soon as the babies are old enough/healthy enough they move out to a village baby’s home.  So, I’ve been playing with very little babes (and a few very sick babes), I’m talking mostly under 4 months. So sweet, and very tiny. They all remind me of little monkeys with their black curly hair, large curious eyes, chubby cheeks and mouths that make perfect ovals when they’re trying to tell you about their day. I can’t show you pictures of them without permission (legal issues and whatnot) but I did include a couple pictures from the other side of the world for your viewing pleasure:

view from where we're all living now (there's about to be 10 of us living in this house)

view from where I'll be moving to in about a week

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hey guys.
Yeah, so havn't so much been around.
I know, it's shameful, but blogs just feel so self-centered to me. I like other people's, but my own feels strange. I really only did it to prep for creating one for my trip to Uganda. Now, my trip is only a few days away. Literally three days away. I'm supposed to go on malaria meds tomorrow. Woah, also I have to check in for my flight today (Don't let me forget to do that).

Anyways, I do think I'll check in during my trip, but after that Ms. Such-this blog may have to retire. I suppose we'll see.

I do have to tell you something today. Seven.
It's been seven years since I first was called to Uganda.
And now there arn't even seven days until I board the plane.
A Quick Story for you:
I fell in love with Jesus when I was twelve, but by that time I had already figured out how I thought my life should go. I mean, I had it all down, what college I wanted to go to, what I wanted to major and minor in, I even knew what scholarships I would be eligible for (I'm a geek, I'm aware), I never wanted to move out of the tri-state area.
But then everything changed. I was reading this book about a girl who went to Uganda to work at a school/orphange/hospital/church and fell in love with the country and the people there. I only read it because I read anything I could get my hands on at the time. While reading I heard a voice say, "I want you to do that." I had heard of this before- God talking to people- and I always thought the people who tried to tell God 'no' were so ridiculous, he was God, wouldn't he win? But I joined the ranks of the 'no'-ers- I told God no, because 13-year-olds are oh-so-wise.
But then God won, a few months later, before I could think it simply flew out of my mouth one day, "I'm going to work in Uganda." Shortly there after I fell in love with Uganda, my heart moved over there. God made sure of that. I've been working towards going ever since.
And so now I'm going, soon.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Awkwards meet Awesomes

I own a pair of Ethan's old soccer pants. They're kinda big. Sometimes I jog across campus to the work out room while wearing them. Sometimes I forget to pull the drawstring. Sometimes when that happens I have to grab my pants for dear life before Mr. Man over there notices. 
 Couples who choose to get all close and touchy-touchy on the stairs. Why oh why can't you move 5 yards in either direction. So many un-used coaches. One of them could be yours today!
Getting called "Ma'am." Come on, I have atleast another few years before that name actually describes me, don't I?
Third Wheeling. This is pretty self explanatory. Don't feel too bad for me though, I haven't had a good third wheel date in about a year. I feel it's good for you every once in a while, keeps you humble. Also reminds you how not to be while coupling around other wheels.  
Watoto stuff. I may never, ever stop talking about it- a plane ticket, dates, a volunteer job description, pictures of sweet, chubby faces. I can't get over it. 
My camera charger arrives in the mail today! Have you been wondering about the sore lack of photographs as of late? It's because my charger doesn't like me anymore so I had to order a new one. He comes today! Pictures to arrive shortly thereafter.
My best friend, Haley has finished her first year of college! A round of applause if you please! 
Oh yeah! Mind if I brag a bit on that Ethan-man? He got into University of Michigan's Architecture program. Check that out! 
Long drives.  
Little boys who hand you a penny to buy the action figure they're eyeing on the top shelf. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Get Vomited on"

I bought a plane ticket to Uganda!
And then I got my volunteer description from the Babies Home in Uganda.
The description reads many things, You must be able to change a dirty diaper, lift a 15kg baby, do laundry, etc. but my favorite ones are "Be Vomited on" and "Give Cuddles."

May 20th.
Can't wait.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I know you feel I have forgotten you!
I am remiss.
But I have not forgotten.
I've just been up to a lot.
Like Uganda.
And Cover the Night.
And finding a home for next semester.
And breathing.
Stuff like that.

So, I promise to fill you in on those things.
But for tonight I will just tell you, dishes are my least favorite chore.
I hate doing them so much that I would rather take a picture of my ridiculousness than actually carry them down to the bathroom sink and wash them. I mean really, they live here too, shouldn't they pitch in? They should really learn how to clean themselves, it's basic hygiene (Did you know there was an 'i' in hygiene? I was not aware). So anyways, I shall go and do my dishes and tell them my woes of how much I am frustrated with their existence.
I write this post mostly to make you feel better about your quirks, you probably don't talk to your dirty dishes. Or argue with them. I might do both.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Surprise! Awkward and Awesome!

I always try to think of new titles...I'm running low.

scarf: Free Trade t: Aerie jacket: UO jeans: Nordstrom bag: Nordstrom boots: DSW necklace: Invisible Children

 Hiding my geek-ness as I listen to some kids in class complain about figuring out their class schedules for the next three years. I may or may not have post-it notes that have all the classes I needed to take and how many credit hours their worth. I may or may not have spent hours tweaking their order and smiling gleefully. I may or may not have come this close to suggesting they do the same. Come on, Jenni, don't show that side of you to people you barely know, it's just embarrassing. 
A professor who actually stated, "You wont get to first base without the proper tone." Must. Hide. Giggles. Must. Hide. Giggles. 
Boys who sleep in our lobby. I'm sorry, but why? You live here, just 100 meters away, go over there. Our couches are not that comfortable.
The arguments I've gotten into with our air conditioning in the past week. I have trouble turning on the air in 80 degree weather, so I have strong aversions to the cold blasts that erupt periodically. Then I yell. At first, KP (my room mate) seemed concerned, but now she kind of just ignores me, she's used to it. I'm not sure which is worse..
 Easter break came..and went. But it was lovely. 
 A friend of mine, Erin (she's fabulous- and I do not use the word "fabulous" lightly) invited me to come back to Uganda next summer (2013). Oh man, I'm considering it. We would be working with kids in Northern Uganda, ahh! OK, must focus on this summer first..
My cousin asking if I would speak to her Social Studies class after I get back from Uganda. I've always wanted to be a show-and-tell. 
We got an apartment! Two very sweet girls who I have never met offered to take in three very-homeless girls. Next semester we have a kitchen! And the kitchen has a sink! And we have new friends! (Hoping on that last one.)
Remember my post-it note planning from up there? Well in a few minutes I get to put it into action and register for my classes.  If I ever said "Boo-yah!" this would be a place I would use the phrase. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Laundry Basket

This is Cassie and she is not allowed in my room. In fact, the door is supposed to remain closed at all times, but she snuck in via my laundry basket. And proceeded to entertain me, so I couldn't just kick her out. 
Also, sidenote, I'm not a cat lady, I promise. Honest. For real. 
Gosh, I hope I'm not a cat lady. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Generation

jeans: Nordstrom shoes: Keds t: Billabong jacket: UO

What can I say, pictures didn't get much time today. 

I didn't forget about you, I promise!
But it was Easter and Easter has lots involved in it, so I do hope you'll forgive me.
I have all sorts of things to fill you in on over the next few days but first up is Kony Part II. That's right, Kony2012 just wasn't enough so Invisible Children made a sequel to go more in depth on Invisible Children, the LRA and affected regions. It also has the details for Cover the Night.
The video is about 20 minutes long and totally worth it, but before you watch it I just want to quote Ben Keesy. You'll hear him say these words about 14 minutes in but I wanted you to see them in print too,
"We are a new generation of justice. Made for such a time as this. Because our liberty is bound together, across the world and across the street."
I cried when I heard those words and I hope that they might challenge you as well. We are bound in an inescapable web with people everywhere. Join this movement or join another, but let us truly be a generation of justice.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Awesomes and Awkwards

To give you a smile. 

Getting to see my old Bible teacher, you may recognize his name, Buddy Shuh, oh yeah, he just happens to be on The Biggest Loser this season and he looks incredible. Everyone kept telling me how they didn't recognize him when they saw him, but I thought I would, I mean I was prepared because everyone had told me, plus I've been keeping up with the shows and his facebook. Nope, I didn't recognize him, after a moment I placed the voice and almost screamed. So exciting. He so deserves this, he looks great.
I learned how to take a picture of my i-phone screen. I don't know why, but I believe this will be of the upmost usefulness.  
Two Kindergarten boys who walked up to me and said, "I like your boots." What fashion forward little guys.  
The book The Good News About Injustice by Gary Haugen. First of all, Gary Haugen is one of my heroes, he started International Justice Mission and spoke at Fourth Estate, which in my book pretty much makes you one of the coolest people that walk around on the planet. There really is no second of all. 
Finding out that the Ugandan Roadie for my district last Spring (who I talked to and was going to pick me up from the airport if I went to Uganda last summer) now works at the orphanage I'll be volunteering with this summer. How cool is that??
An old babysitting Mother of mine noticing my purity ring and gasping, "Oh my gosh, is that a RING?" "Umm, yes, but not...that."
Talking to my school health department about Immunizations. If I hear one more time that I am "a risk to the community around me" with out all my childhood shots I may scream. 
Telling Ethan I have to run to Target and him saying, "Oh, I'll come too, unless you need...girl stuff.." No, bud, even if that was all I needed in the whole wide world I would never admit it to you, I prefer you stay completely oblivious to that aspect of my life. But he asked me three times, I was starting to worry if I was sending off a "girl stuff" vibe.  
This little girl: She had been running up to me all day long. Finally I tickle her and she laughs and suddenly stops, turns to me and says, "Stop that, you old goose!" Then she followed me around for the rest of the day. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Oh, Girl Scout Cookies, how you slay me. 

A quick list of things that will make you go nutty:
  • New professors half way through the semester
  • Searching through an entire book for one quote because you neglectfully forgot to cite the page number. I've now read said book about 6 times. 
  • Way too many girl scout cookies
  • The dastardly 12 hour "How to Teach Health in the Elementary Classroom" class coming up this weekend.
Way too many nuts!
What makes you go nutty?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Awkwards 'n' Awesomes on Thursday

 Skirt and Top: Salvation Army  Belt: Bella Mia  Sunglasses: Von Maur 


That middle picture, not sure what's going on there.  
The 16-year-old boy who blushed straight up to his ears when Mr. Qdoba man asked if I was with him. Poor 16-year-old boy and unobservant Mr. Qdoba man, the kid was obviously with his Mom.  
 Dancing barefoot. I'm literally the world's least coordinated dancer, and unfortunately, dear Ethan doesn't much have rhythm either. Sore toes. 
The whole dining alone at a restaurant thing. I personally don't mind it. I'm perfectly happy with my book and a few empty seats around me, but where it gets awkward is when a couple from school comes and dines at a nearby table. It continues to get awkward when you catch them looking at you with sympathetic faces. The awkwardness all culminates when you and the couple walk into your dorm at the same time afterwards. How does that happen?  
Leaving the window open all the time. All night long, all day long. Ah, it's quite nice. I will happily continue to change in a ball in the corner if we can continue to leave the window open at all times. 
Professors who move back paper due dates.  
Playing with little second cousins.
Although he may only be here for another day, Mr. Sun. He's just so handsome. Can't get over him.  
This piece of prose a dear friend of mine sent me. I believe it to be true. It's in the format of The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis but it's about the Invisible Children movement. Please do go read it

Saturday, March 17, 2012


So, please do excuse me, but I just have to...
Brag to you about Ethan.
Because he's pretty stupendous. If I do say so myself. (Why shouldn't I say so myself, it's not like I can take any credit. So I DO say so myself.)
But anyways, I must now tell you how he enjoys doing terribly nice things for his slightly scatterbrain-ed girl.
First, he bought two different types of green tea for me to enjoy when my skin turns yellow (yep, yellow fever, I know you're hiding inside me. Travel-nurse told me so.) Then, he bought my family dinner (not just me, my family). Then, he fell asleep on the couch (which was just funny, I guess not so much of a bragging point there, but you should have seen him, drawing a mustache was a serious temptation). Then, he stayed late to finish a terribly thrilling episode of The Mentalist that he had already seen but because it included ghosts and I felt that finishing it alone sounded...gulp (and he fell asleep again). And soon he will be on his way to a wedding with my entire family- including the 5 uncles- all over 6 feet and 200 pounds.
Also he's tall.

But mostly he bought green tea. That was nice.

Have a fun St. Patty's day.
(er, not tooo much of that fun, you hear?)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Awesome and Awkward!

Crepes for breakfast: first these made me feel decadent and second, it was with Caroline! Caroline's engaged to Ethan's brother. I feel the need to tell everyone this. Did you hear? Daniel and Caroline are engaged!
The little boy at the toystore (who had two different boots on) who walked around with a t-rex saying, "I may be big but I'm very nice!" 
 Mom being terribly Mom like and buying a dress for me. It's actually a night gown, I swear you can't tell.
The SUN! 70 degrees in March? Well, if you insist.  
Getting shots from the travel clinic. This sounds like a bad thing, doesn't it? But it means that I'm going! I'm going to Uganda, I mean, I knew before but it's really, really real!
Mom quoting Ghost Town at a funeral, specifically the line "everybody dies" to the deceased's grandson.  
 My dream where I was quite certain I forgot to put on a shirt before going out in public. I'm incredibly disturbed that dream-me didn't seem to mind. 
Asking the checkout lady to check a price for me. The price was overpriced, "no thanks" I say. "So you just want this top?" Holding up what I just no-thanks-ed, "nope, I'm good, thank you!" I say. "So you just want this?" She holds up something I had returned to her earlier, "oh, no, nothing today, thank you," I say. "So both?" ..She almost convinced me that I did actually want both. 
 Getting locked in a dressing room and knocking on the door (rather desperately), "let me outtttttt...please?" for about 5 minutes. When the lady did arrive I realized that I probably should have put on..er..more clothing before she got there. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Your Kony 2012 Questions Answered

Jacket: CAbi  T-Shirt: AE Jeans: Nordstrom Shoes: DSW 

Disclaimer: I do not speak on behalf of Invisible Children, I am only a member of their Fourth Estate

1. I've heard the Invisible Children (IC) only uses one third of their funds to work in Central Africa, is this true?
Invisible Children's mission is three fold:
 The first is sustainable programs on the ground in Central Africa. These are things like the first Rehabilitation Center in the Congo, renovating schools, providing scholarships, creating jobs, etc.
The second is educating the Western World about what is happening to their family in Central Africa.
The third is to create advocacy programs for those in the Western World who want to help their family in Central Africa.
 In Fall of 2011, Invisible Children raised approximately 8 million dollars. 37% of that money went directly to programs on the ground, 17% went to films and products to make the Western World more aware (after all, you heard of Kony2012, yes?) and 26% went to Programs in the States for people who have become aware and want to do something. The remaining 20% went to fundraising and operating costs.
For a break down of these financials, go HERE.

2. I've heard IC isn't independently audited, isn't that illegal?
Invisible Children is independently audited every year and the findings of this audit is published on their website. This is a rule that all Non-Profit organizations must follow.

3. Didn't IC only receive 2 out of 4 stars on Charity Navigator? 
Charity Navigator gives Invisible Children 3 out of 4 starts. It giver their Programs 4 out of 4 stars. As for Accountability and Transparency, the score is currently 2 stars due to the fact that IC does not have 5 independent voting members on their board of directors; they currently have 4. They are in the process of interviewing potential board members and will add an additional independent member this year in order to regain a 4-star rating by 2013.

4. Does IC support the Ugandan government?
No, IC does not support any government or condone any negative behavior that the government may have performed in the past. They do not pay any money to the Ugandan Government. However, working with the local military forces who are most familiar with the LRA is the only way to truly stop Kony's terror. This also makes it easier to create sustainable programs. IC never wants to be "the Westerners coming to take over," so they partner with citizens in Central Africa.

5. Didn't IC say that Kony was in Uganda? I heard he hasn't been there in years. 
You're right, Kony isn't in Uganda and he hasn't been there since about 6 years ago. The Sudanese President was previously giving Kony resources to live on the border of Sudan and Uganda. The deal was, the Sudanese President would give Kony supplies and weapons if Kony would keep the South Sudanese "rebels" from getting out of hand. In his free time, Kony could do what he liked in Northern Uganda. However, the Sudanese President himself became indited as a wanted criminal and he could no longer aid Kony and the LRA. Therefore, Kony moved into the jungles of the D.R. Congo and Central African Republic (this is on the Kony2012 video at 15:00). The jungles there are about the size of California which made it easier to hide and the villiages were more remote- they couldn't call for help when the LRA would attack.
So, back to the question at hand: Kony isn't in Uganda, IC never tried to claim otherwise. He only started in Uganda. This does not mean that his terrors have stopped, he has only moved. Therefore he must be stopped.
For more information about the damage Kony has done and is doing in Central Africa go HERE.

6. Why now?
IC has been working to end this war for years. Recently, as you may know, President Obama fufilled the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act that was signed in May of 2010. He did this by sending approximately 100 advisory troops in October 2011 (read more about this HERE). This was a crucial last piece of the puzzle. As soon as this development happened, IC knew they had to keep the troops there. If the troops pulled out, they believed there was no way U.S. aid would ever return to combat the LRA. The only way to keep the troops there? Keep pressure on Congress- they had to know that U.S. citizens wanted to aid in the arrest of Joseph Kony and his top commanders. The best way to do that? Make Kony famous. Everyone must know his crimes and must want to see him brought to justice.

7. Isn't there really more to the story?
There is a lot to this story, after all, it's been in the making for over 26 years. The Kony2012 video breaks it down to it's simplist components; it's only half an hour long. In the Kony2012 movie, the LRA violence is explained  to the public almost exactly as it would be explained to a four year old (hence Gavin being a centerpiece to the movie). I completely and whole heatedly back this choice. I have been involved with Invisible Children for years, but only became an advocate a year ago. I've described the complexities, the maimings, tha rape, the terror that has been inflicted on Cnetral Africa and it still it was difficult to get people to listen. I've shown other films of Invisible Children's, which are lengthier and dive more in depth into what has happened during this 26-year war, and still I couldn't get many to listen. Invisible Children's movies are not new to the internet, but it was this one that went viral. I believe this is because of two reasons. First, I believe that this is God's movement and he took it and ran with it. And second, that it broke down what's going on so that people could understand. It was not meant to be comprehensive, it was meant to get your attention. For a better understanding of the LRA go HERE. And also HERE: it details what has been going on in Central Africa for the past 26 years.

Sorry that was so lengthy, guys, but there are a lot of questions out there!
For any further questions, please contact me. I'd love to answer any questions or criticisms you may have.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Awkward and Awesome!

Shirt: c/o CAbi  Jeans: Nordstrom  Boots: Steve Madden  Bracelet: Invisible Children 

 Waving and smiling at someone across the hall as you run into a large potted plant. "Oh yeah, just really enjoy foliage, don't mind me."
Hitting my head on four objects in 24 hours: the fouton, the floor, a dresser and my bed. My brain was just plain certain I was nine inches shorter than I am. He's still not positive of my actual height.
Walking into work to hear my boss say, "What are you doing here?" Come to find the girl whose shift I was taking showed up too! After her talking to the boss for about 5 minutes she had to stay and work her own shift. Poor the her. Awkward the me. 
Walking into the lobby of my dorm and hearing a guy say, "Are those hunter boots?!" I look up and he and his lady friend are both just staring at my footwear, "Why, yes, yes they are." 

I have successfully remembered to water my daisies everyday for a week now. I believe this is good news for any future children I might have, I will not forget your nutritional needs. I may forget to buy your favorite cookies, but only if they don't line up with my favorite cookies.
Today is Happy Women's Day. That sounds like a good day for chocolate, doesn't it? 
Getting to go home for Spring Break yesterday. Spring Break doesn't actually start until tomorrow. Yippee! 
The true awesome, the best awesome, the awesome that will cover an entire year of awesome: How God is using the Kony2012 Movement. It's incredible. It's gone positively viral. We were hoping for 500,000 views for the entire year, in these past 4 days we've gotten over 50 million. Stop Kony is everywhere, his face is on everything. God took this and just ran with it. It's incredible. If you have yet to see the video, here it is, and if you have any questions, I'm planning to post FAQs from Kony2012 within the next few days. Stay tuned.                                                                                          

If Money Grew on Trees Instead of Being Made From Them..


..This is what I would be purchasing. But instead my money goes and lives in the bank waiting to be transferred to Uganda in May. Not that I mind. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Joseph Kony

Joseph Kony is this guy: 

He is the number one wanted war criminal in the whole, wide WORLD. 
But you've probably never heard of him. 
Or if you have, you've heard very little. 

I've written about the longest running war in Africa before, especially here, on October 16th, four days after President Obama sent U.S. advisory troops to aid the Ugandan army in their efforts to arrest Joseph Kony. In an attempt not to be redundant, I encourage you to click that link and see a lengthier summary of what is truly going on with our family in Central Africa. Because that's what they are, our family. 
Right now, our family in Central Africa has been living in fear for the past 26 years because that man up there, Kony, has been terrorizing with his "Lord's Resistance Army" or LRA (absolutely no affiliation with Christianity or the Lord). He has captured over 30,000 children and used them as soldiers and sex slaves, making them live out unspeakable night mares. 
Why hasn't he been stopped? 
Because Kony knew what he was up to, he attacked the people who didn't even touch the world's radar screen; they come from the lowest of the low end of the socio-economic scale and were invisible to the world for almost 20 years. 
But then these three boys went over to Uganda on a crazy adventure to try to film the war that was happening in Sudan at the time. Long story short, they made these children visible through the Non-Profit they started called Invisible Children
And so now here we are. Everything is in place for Kony's arrest and the liberation and rehabilitation of his child slaves. Why do I think God is allowing this to continue for even another day? 
Because you need to be aware. 
Invisible Children's goal for this year, 2012, is to make Joseph Kony the most famous man in the world, after all, he is the worst criminal in the world, everyone should know his name. When he is arrested he will be taken to the Hague and tried for 12 counts of crimes against humanity and 21 counts of war crimes. The entire world will watch. As this man who has become evil incarnate finally receives justice, every one will have to take notice. Every "bad guy" out there will have to know that we will seek them out, even when he oppresses the invisible. Don't you see? Those "invisibles" are our family members, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts. Our liberty is woven with theirs. 

And so, this year, 2012 has been dubbed the year of justice. 
Spread the word. 
Let's make Kony famous. 

Monday, March 5, 2012


I'll tell you allll about him tomorrow. 
This man will be the most famous man of 2012.
Might want to keep your eye on this. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

 A $5 sweater. He used to be $70. How do you like them apples?..er, sweaters?
Mom being OK with me possibly going to Greece next year. Poor that lady, she puts up with so much from her wanderlust daughter.
Daisies live in my window. They wave at me in the morning.
Black bean and Quinoa Infused Tortilla Chips. Go try 'em.
Not having to do dishes for a whole day!...minus one bowl. But only one bowl!! 
 Being told, "That's a very unusual last name." "Well, what's yours?" "Hopper." And Natkin is unusual?
The Chipolte waitress-person calling me "lady;" "What salsa you want, lady?"
 Walking into the hallway with a shirt that is..er..rather low because I live with 24 women, and it's Open Hours- 3 guys, right outside my door. Oops. 
 Having the "Write Right" guy (these English Majors they pay to read over your papers and edit them for you) reading my paper in front of me. Oh yeah, totally meant to write did not and not didn't..uhh..yep.
Reading a sale sign as "$5 stuff." It said "$5 off." I read it out loud to Ethan about 4 times before he corrected me.  
I promise to bring pictures back in the very near future. Pinky Promise. Thumb Promise. Ring Finger Promise.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

11 Blessings, Counted

Today I need to write a paper for a scholarship. It's half way done, but I was supposed to write it a month ago..about that.
However, Hulu and writing to you guys seem to have taken priority. How are you today?
In my attempt to not to homework, I thought I'd tell you of 11 things that are wonderful. Perhaps I've been playing Bing Crosby in my head due to the snow, but here are 11 blessings:
1. My last night class was cut from 2 hours to half an hour
2. My class today was cancelled, giving me more time to procrastinate with my paper                                     (I'll stop with the classes now)
3.  Tomorrow is Focus Day. It's a day that all classes are cancelled so that students can attend a variety of seminars on one particular subject and how it effects our lives. This year is about Modern Day Slavery, which is a total passion of mine. I'm attending every seminar I can manage. 
4. Ethan's coming to Focus!
5. My hair is growing. We had a conversation, and he promises to continue to do so. It's quite exciting
6. Only 5 days left of classes until Spring Break.
7.  A Professor who has been to Uganda about 15 times and gave me lots of suggestions for foods I have to try while I'm there this summer. 
8. Chapel band.
9. This incredible book I'm reading for my Social Justice Class, it's called There are No Children Here by Alex Kotlowitz. It's a true story about two young boys growing up in Chicago's Projects during the 80s. It's an incredible book (I may have repeated myself there..it's worth repeating- incredible book).
10. Learning about Uganda this summer. I get so excited when I think about it. 
11. Thursday I get to sign up for my Cross Cultural Trip- a three week international trip required by the school. I. am. so. jazzed.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Went to Chicago This Weekend...

...and only came back with one picture.

But it was a picture from the Garfield Park Conservatory, which was amazing, the rooms there are so incredible, I can't imagine how you could take care of all those different plants!
Chicago in general was amazing, we got to go to Reverend Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Push Coalition, a Muslim Masque and an amazing play. It was a great weekend.
If you do end up in Chicago soon, go check out the Conservatory, especially because it's warm right now (it's a rather nice reprieve from outside). But you might want to take more pictures than I did... Blogger fail a bit right there.